TRM Visits Evl8Hope
Received an email from owner Rick Miller of TRM Construction Management and it simply said “Santa Claus is coming to town – can we meet ?”
I set up an appointment real quick bc we all know Santa brings gifts. I felt like Buddy from the movie Elf.
We met at the House of Blessings with his team and he presented us with a $2,500.00
I wasn’t sure who to hug first. Didn’t know what to say. Thank you didn’t seem to be enough.
Many donations we receive are restricted for cases , restricted for holidays or restricted for helping with 1st, last and security for a momma we are helping. We do not receive a lot of donations specific to the house. Thus the reason for our slow opening.
Rick Miller understands that the price of materials alone is 10x what they used to be. We simply can’t swing it.
He wanted to help. And boy did he.
Thank you for helping “build” this house on love
Stay tuned to keep up with our community involvement and work with Elv8Hope in the near future.