Fishing for Futures 2019 Tournament
When: Aug. 31, 2019 | 6 AM – 3PM
Where: Aug. 31, 2019 | 6 AM – 3PM
Due to the overwhelming success of the 2018 Fishing for Futures Tournament, TRM is proud to announce this year’s 2019 Fishing for Futures tournament. As the founders and sponsors of this years tournament we are happy to see those beautiful smiles as we once again make a effort to support our the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County.

What do you have to look forward to?
There are many exciting activates to look forward to at this years 2019 Fishing for Futures Tournament. It will include and on/offshore fishing tournament with of 12,000$ in prizes, games, kid zone, music, and much more!
Lend a helping hand? – Sponsorship Opportunities
TRM Construction Management is happy to do our part in providing our local kids a brighter future. Consider joining us in our mission, with sponsorship opportunities as low as 250$. We invite our local businesses to experience the joy of giving and involving your name with our great event! (All Proceeds benefit Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County)